I know there are a few videos posted but they are so great…almost as good as the verzion island of misfit toys commercial. My personal favorite And gotta love Kimbo
Im struggling with what to do
I have had a mobile me account for 2 years now, heck i used to host my site there. I use the web gallery and back to my mac frequently, but im having a really hard time justifying $99.99 ($65.00 ish if you can find an older package on amazon) per year for those two …read in detail
Im not even a canon user and i want one of these bad boys!
canon L series 70mm-200mm THERMOS!!! http://gizmodo.com/5485401/greatest-schwag-in-the-history-of-schwagginess-the-canon-lens-thermos EDIT: now you can pre-order one here! http://www.vistek.ca/store/CameraLenses/248866/canon-canon-thermal-travel-mug-ef-70200-f40-l-usm-lens.aspx
My Favorate Amendment
Attack of the Second Amendment from Zach Macias on Vimeo
I really should update more….look at our dinner!
Well this is possibly the last little shoot i use my d40 for. I ordered a D5000 a few weeks back and i should show up this week, I’m pretty stoked! Meri will take the d40 and it will be her baby…shes becoming quite the little shutter bug. We had marinated Portabella mushrooms with local …read in detail
I Hate All This Vampire Crap,
BUT good call Verizon Wireless, i thought the Island of Misfit Toys ad was great…. this is better.
For all you Android/WordPress users
This looks almost IDENTICAL to the wp to go app ive been using to post with while on the go….. ill download this version and report back! EDIT: Upon further examination, the lastest update of the wp to go app in the android market prompts you to download the official WordPress app. I even had …read in detail
Its Snowing in the Burg Again
I’m all for snow….really I am. Ill tell you though, I’m sore and tired from moving the LAST thing I wanna do is shovel the driveway again. There is more on the way Friday….grrrr.
100 Percent Outta There!
We turned in the keys to the apt on vine tonight…..im sooooooo glad we are outta there. Now we have to get unpacked and organized,but i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me.
Irritating Monday Commute
i was exceptionally irritated today on my way to work. here is my rant. -old folks driving….after 60 you should have to retake a driving test. Also just cause you draw social security, does nto give you the right to do 25 in a 45 on a 2 lane road. gtfo. -hey harrisonburg city, there …read in detail