Threw out my back really good this weekend doing absolutely nothing. It had been bugging me for almost a week, but nothing this bad. I woke up Saturday morning and knew things were not right, couldn’t even stand up without help from Sara. Went to MedExpress and some odd older DR saw me. He must …read in detail
Oh hey this thing is still around….
More like I got hacked and locked out…. super fun. Now i can make updates, about you know , nope i’ve got nothin.
Not quite three months later….
and you have an update! Well I’m now divorced, and out of the rents house. Started a new job working with a government contractor…. its pretty much all new stuff to me ( works with some of my sys admin basics) but i think I’m picking up/ running with it well. Jack has been really …read in detail
I Guess it is About Time to Update
These past few months have been nothing short of crappy. I’m back on the east coast, and getting a divorce. I’m not going to drag her through the mud on here, but saying my life since November hasn’t been hell would be a lie. I came back home around Christmas time and have been staying …read in detail
So nice to sit on our back porch.
It’s so nice to just sit and relax on our back porch. After being non stop busy for what seems like months we are both exhausted and actual sick as crap. We caught the cold of doom that has been running around work. I scored a sweet outdoor patio set at lowes on clearance today, …read in detail
Moved again.
Well we found a really sweet place in North Tacoma and we couldn’t pass it up. No AC and old appliances, but I know I’m already sleeping better. Now its all about getting all our crap in and organized. The neighborhood is quiet and almost everything we need is walkable, with the exception of a …read in detail
Beach Fresh!
Well Im not fresh(pre showered)…. we just got back from a camping trip at Cape Disapointment State Park. We went with Meri’s parents and had a blast with our pack of Goldies. We are sunburnt,tired, sore, and all eaten up by bugs, but the trip was seriously worth every little bit. Ill go into more …read in detail
Long Over Due Update
Whelp ive been at my new job for a little more than three months…Ive also been in Washington for over a year. This job is testing me in all ways possible, but its a good thing. Im finally challenged, but not so underwater that I cant get air when i need it. Im growing and learning things faster than I though possible.
Ok so its close enough to my start date……
I totally still don’t believe this is real, but on Wednesday I start working for a company i NEVER thought i could work for. I’m starting at Sitecrafting, a small web development company in Tacoma, WA. No more long ass commute, bait and switch and three sets of politics to deal with. SO STINKING STOKED!
New addition!
Meet Margeaux! Now updated with MORE Images!!!!