So After Several Lost Posts……

Whats the lesson here kids? BACKUP YOUR STUFF!!!!  Due to some unfortunate power fluctuations the more recent posts were lost to the VOID. It happens though, and its all on me for not backing stuff up. WHOMP WAHHH, i have to either recreate or forget it. I think Ill give ya an idea of what was here, but in a larger catch all post. I also made some changes, got rid of that buggy-ish recent MobileMe(grrr Apple) photo widget over yonder…to be replaced by a recent Flickr photo viewer that squishes the crap outta everything.  Then I changed the order of things in  the sidebar and limited the number o Instagram pics so you don’t have to scroll to OBLIVION. Next on the revamp plans is to mess with jquerymobile skinning, but I need to seek guidance because I already hosed things up once today.




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