Ok its a well know fact that I work for eddie bauer part time, honestly for the discount. The clothes are high quality and fit well.
This post is about the All Weather Chino, my new favorite pants. I bought two pairs of these bad boys and was wearing the light khaki? Tonight. I was under our new place running network wire, crawling on my hands and knees on the dirt floor of the crawl space. I though to myself” aw crap I should changed, these pants are gonna be toast and Meri is gonna kill me.” I finished up and went upstairs to see not only were my pants not completely slayed, they still tooked nice! I brushed off the dry dirt and I could deffinatly wear em to work the next day and not feel bad about it! I have a dark khaki? Pair as well and spilled coffee on em a few weeks ago. I simply brushed the coffee off! Now when my manager had told me he had done the same I though yeah right man…..he spoke the truth! When EB says water/stain resistant they really were not kidding. I think ill go pick up another pair or two asap!
How much?