Freaking catch all update!

SO evidentially i suck at this whole blogging thing. Sorry about that.

Here is an outline of what has gone on in the past month:

-NO house a dream job came up in Seattle for Meri and we took it as a sign to not quite settle down and buy a house. We both have applied for other jobs out there, but sadly Meri didnt get that one and i have not heard back from any.

-Bought a new car. 2009 Honda Fit. Pics and a full review coming soon!

-Sold the truck. It was honestly time. I dont have the time or money to put into it.

-In the beginning stages of planning our next Seattle trip. A friend is getting married so we need to make a trip out…and heck why not stay out for a whole week and celebrate our Two year anniversary?

-Bought my Springfield 1911. I will be reviewing it as soon as i get it to the range.

-No more iPhone. i got sick of the bad service on a rad device. it took going into a 3G area to get week old voicemails delivered. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

-Speaking of broken backs I think mine is broken.

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